Everything about: Accomodation

Staying at Hotel 25hours Langstrasse Zurich

We love going to Zurich as often as we can. Whether for a museum visit, shopping or restaurants, there is always something going on...

Hotel FIVE Zürich review

We visit Zürich regularly, given that our hometown of Luzern only is a short train ride away. Normally these visits are just day trips,...

Boutique hotel Corbetta in Les Paccots (FR)

During our 15 months of living in Switzerland, we have discovered many areas of the country and stayed at multiple hotels. This time, a...

Staying at the Royal Savoy hotel in Lausanne

Lausanne has quickly become one of my favourite cities in Switzerland. Its proximity to the lake, the architecture and how the city always seems...

Château Gütsch and the funicular

The city of Luzern has some very well-known landmarks. Besides the lake, the chapel bridge and the lion monument, Pilatus also is a landmark...

Hotel Altstadt Krone Luzern

The city of Luzern is immensely popular with international tourists, and there are plenty of hotels in the city to cater for these visitors....